The truth of your potential to inspire you…

Are you maximising your happiness & motivation?

Mental health is the new physical health. As a business owner and entrepreneur it is a top priority to feel at our best every single day.
Having mental clarity and energy will give you the edge you need to go from beyond good to GREAT and get extraordinary results in your life and business.
Take this QUIZ to find out where you fall on the Happiness Scale.



The Art & Science of Waiting to Respond

Article featured in June 2021 edition of Quantum Alignment magazine

Most human design types are designed to wait to respond, but what does that actually look like and how can we see it as an exchange of energy and not a stuck point?

Addiction: Hidden in the DNA of Your Design

Article featured in November 2021 edition of Quantum Alignment magazine

Addiction in everyday life is something that is hard to avoid. Where does it show up in your human design chart, and how best to come to awareness that it is influencing your relationships and success?


How Simplifying Your Life Creates Happiness

Blog article in progress. Especially in our modern world, we are encouraged to keep up with technology and consumerism. But does owning more things like boats and houses increase your happiness, or does it inversely make your life more complicated? Let’s look at the human design chart to see where the gift of simplicity lies.